Publish interactive maps in your secure applications, on-premise or even completely offline.
Available on:
Detailed maps with every road on the planet down to the street level is available as a map package.
Drag and drop the map package of your area, choose a style and serve it to your web, mobile, or GIS software.
Combine high-resolution aerial imagery of USA, Europe, and Japan with the latest global satellite imagery - to have a detailed offline aerial map served directly from your laptop or local server.
Convert Shapefiles or raster images for super fast map loading with MapTiler Engine.
Serve pregenerated map tiles in GeoPackage or MBTiles format.
Add vector tiles PostGIS layer with the ability to rasterize - and serve WMTS - for real-time updated data in your connected Postgres/PostGIS database.
Serve your critical map services from scalable, optimized, self-healing infrastructure. Deploy quickly and get a high-availability mapping server on private cloud, on-prem, or completely offline.
Create natural-like sceneries by combining 3D terrain data with high-resolution aerial imagery or any other basemap.
Get terrain and imagery compatible with the popular CesiumJS library.
Get offline background maps with various map styles for Tableau business analytics tool running from your infrastructure.
Perfectly secured maps running on your private cloud without internet connection.
Get map services for your desktop GIS software. Install and set up the whole map stack in a few mouse clicks.
It is compatible with your desktop ArcGIS, QGIS, and other GIS software.
Serve maps from your server or laptop, behind firewalls, on intranet.
Maps appear instantly thanks to pregenerated map tiles.
Power your maps with our data, from entire globe down to the street level.
Map services and raster tiles on the fly from your raster or vector data.
Leaflet, OpenLayers, XYZ
WMTS and OGC Tiles API for QGIS or ArcGIS
Image for thumbnails
Raw rasterization performance is approx 3 tiles/sec on single core and Server does not solve caching by its own. Therefore setting a reverse proxy cache in production is highly recommended. Rasterization performance can be tuned in server settings/rasterization. Setting renderer pool size higher than CPUs count can slightly increase throughput but beware that every renderer allocates its own memory space.
Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Docker, and Kubernetes.