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MapTiler ❤️ Open source

We believe in the importance of open source in geographical systems.

Join the community to build a better world.

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Together with the amazing community, we create a set of open source components and tools for building Geographic Information Systems.

Pick your favorite project based on your skills or interests and start contributing today!
Newcomers are welcomed.

Projects we help to maintain on GitHub

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SQL, Docker

Open source maps made for self-hosting.
Free OpenStreetMap vector tiles for everybody.

www.openmaptiles.org GitHub: openmaptiles

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Search in a database of all spatial coordinate systems, accessible via API and user-friendly web interface.

GitHub: epsg.io

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MapLibre GL JS


JavaScript library for displaying vector maps using WebGL. Fork of Mapbox GL JS.

GitHub: maplibre-gl-js

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MapLibre GL Native

C++, Java, Objective-C, Kotlin

Mobile SDK for Android and iOS with Maps SDK for iOS and macOS. Fork of Mapbox GL Native.

GitHub: maplibre-gl-native

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Map tile server based on node.js designed for serving and rasterizing OpenStreetMap vector tiles.

GitHub: tileserver-gl

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Tiny map tile server designed for serving pre-generated raster and vector tiles with WMTS written in PHP.

GitHub: tileserver-php

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An open source virtual globe using WebGL with plug-and-play API compatibility with LeafletJS library.

GitHub: webglearth2

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SQL, Python

Place names from OpenStreetMap. Downloadable. Ranked. With bbox and hierarchy. Ready for geocoding.

GitHub: osmnames

Tiles a la Google Maps: globalmaptiles.py

Python script for utilities for conversion between tiles and coordinates.


Google Firebase integration for Flask.

Do you use our projects and find them helpful? Show your love ❤️ and post a tweet with a link and mention @maptiler. We are keen to promote your work!

Contributions to the FOSS community

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OpenLayers: Raster reprojection

Dynamic in-web-browser warping of raster layers to various map projections done by MapTiler team!

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Essential open source data processing core has our code inside! Check the map tiling tool and PDFium.

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OL-Cesium: 3D globe in OpenLayers

Synchronization of the view and raster layers between 2D OpenLayers and 3D Cesium globe.

MapTiler QGIS plugin

Simply add basemaps to QGIS desktop from MapTiler Cloud. Customized OpenStreetMap base maps and satellite data ready to use.

MapTiler QGIS plugin

Preparing a project proposal, government contract, or grant reusing our open source components?

contact us

Blog posts about open source

GeoCamp ES group of attendees

Wladimir Szczerban / December 4th, 2023

GeoCamp ES 2023

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Jiri Komarek / August 22nd, 2022

MapTiler at the biggest map conference SotM 2022

OpenStreetMap map style in vector tiles

Nicolas Bozon / May 4th, 2022

OpenStreetMap Vector Basemaps

Presentations from open-source conferences on Youtube

From your data to vector tiles in web & mobile apps | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop #0 Intro
Extract data from OpenStreetMap | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #1
Add own data, analyse in QGIS & PostGIS | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #2
Generate, serve and style vector tiles | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #3
Web & mobile app with a custom map | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #4
MapTiler feat. SotM 2022 | OSM Carto Style to vector tiles
FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest – OMT: OpenMapTiles news thematic layers and coordinate systems
FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest – OMT: Geospatial open data for everyone from global to local
FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest – OMT: Geospatial open data for everyone from global to local
OpenMapTiles: Vector tiles from OpenStreetMap (SoTM 2018 conference)
OpenMapTiles Pitch [Spaceweek - Copernicus Masters]
FOSS4G 2016: Coordinate systems and map projections with EPSG.io
FOSS4G 2016: Coordinate systems and map projections with EPSG.io
MapLibre - Community driven Mapbox GL fork | FOSS4G Buenos Aires 2021, Petr Pridal
Vector tile basemaps for your QGIS project | FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Adam Laza
OpenMapTiles – Vector tiles from OSM | FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Tomas Pohanka
MapLibre – Mapbox GL Native Open Source Fork | FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Petr Pokorny