List of new versions and latest updates of MapTiler Server.
Version 4.6.1
Released 2025-02-26
- Fixed bug: tiles from PostgreSQL do not load after connection config update
- Fixed bug: centerpoint of virtual tiles does not load properly
Version 4.6.0
Released 2024-11-13
Version 4.5.0
Released 2024-02-06
Version 4.4.0
Released 2023-08-31
- New Updated Static Maps API
- Tile Margin feature for cropped labels problem
- Floating License option for more flexible usage and scalability
Version 4.3.1
Released 2023-04-04
- Added checkbox in settings Check for updates
- Fixed uploading tileset
- Fixed licensing problems
Version 4.3.0
Released 2023-03-17
- New Updated Admin API - full control over Tiles and Maps API
- Public API Documentation - online and offline inside of the software
- A new improved licensing library, requires a new license key, check the Data Dashboard
- Improved rasterization module (Linux, Windows) and memory usage for raster tiles
Version 4.2.0
Released 2022-10-12
- Retina / HighDPI @2x map raster tiles
- WMS / Static Maps API for Maps
- New Admin API- control the server without a web interface
- More license info in the Server Settings tab
- Updated dependencies and nodeJS version
- Improved bug report for our Support team
- Fixed deactivation of the license key in VM
- Fixed installing DEB on Ubuntu 22.04+
- Fixed preview of GeoPackage from MapTiler Engine 11+
Version 4.1.0
Released 2022-03-17
- sighup signal handling with config.json reload, tiles and maps rescan
- Tableau map sources export for raster maps
- service auto restart on failure
- squared map background in debug mode
Version 4.0.0
Released 2021-11-22
Version 3.0.1
Released 2021-09-02
- fixed issue with activation server certificate
Version 3.0.0
Released 2021-06-07
Version 2.3.0
Released 2021-03-31
Version 2.2.0
Released 2021-02-24
Version 2.1.0
Released 2020-12-18
Version 2.0.0
Released 2020-11-25
Version 1.0.0
Released 2020-06-17
Initial release