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Real Estate

Maps for real estate

Property search maps

Renting or buying; maps are the best way to help people find a place to live or locate their business.

Interactive real estate maps

Let your customers search for properties using a map:

  • Highlight schools, shops, and other local amenities
  • Add property details to pop-ups
  • Overlay information like noise pollution, safety ratings, and other demographic data
Property website example with MapTiler

Static and video maps for property pages and ads

Property Advert with a MapTiler Map

Link your property database to your maps

  • Provide your customers with the latest information.
  • Filter results to find properties that match search criteria in real-time.
  • Use pop-ups and sidebars to give users all the information as they search.
Pop-ups on a property search map

Trusted by:

MapTiler image EngelVolkersmy.svgMapTiler image LocaLogic.svgMapTiler image RealScout.svgMapTiler image OpenRent.svgMapTiler image myhome.svg

Visualize property market trends

Real Estate trends map

Visualizations for real estate apps

We provide full stack

  • Base maps

  • JavaScript components for visualization

  • Static maps for property details
