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MapTiler Datasets

Build your map with raster and vector datasets.

Build your map with raster and vector datasets.


Our global dataset includes streets, houses, natural phenomena, political boundaries, and more. The majority of our maps use it as a keystone.



Satellite map of the entire world and high-res aerial imagery of the USA, Western Europe, Japan, and other selected regions.


Datasets styled as beautiful maps

Our cartographers took datasets, created a stunning style, and published it as one of the maps you can see below.

How it works

Select dataset


Select dataset

Create map style


Create map style

Use on the website


Use on the website

Documented schema for cartographers

Vector tiles schemas of layers and attributes for styling maps.


Map data for summer and winter outdoor activities. The dataset includes map features for hiking, biking, skiing, and cross-country skiing.



Weather forecast of the entire world: rain, wind, cloud coverage, temperature, and waves for your maps.

Vimeo Thumbnail

Terrain Datasets

Terrain RGB for DEM

Elevation data encoded into the RGB model. Ideal for creating Digital Elevation Models.

Hillshading from terrainRGB

Contour lines

Contour lines in meters and feet for outdoor map where terrain matters.

Contour lines


Relief of mountains to add a 3D feel to your maps. Ideal for topographic, outdoor, and hazard maps.

Hillshading of Europe

Terrain 3D - Cesium quantized mesh

3D visualizations for direct use with the Cesium JavaScript library.

Terrain 3D - Cesium quantized mesh


Boundaries and postal codes for your data visualization projects.

Connect to your statistical data to display them in a geographical context.


Planet Lite

Global mid-res dataset that can be used without any attribution.

An excellent choice for videos, print, web, and games.

Planet Lite


A polygon covering the entire terra firma, the dry land.

It can be used to create remarkable effects on coastlines.

MapTiler image land.png


We offer vector and RGB bathymetry datasets to make perfect Ocean maps.

MapTiler image ocean.png


Global dataset with generalized forests and other natural areas.

Detailed landcover in the USA and Canada.

Part of the Planet dataset.

Vimeo Thumbnail


OpenStreetMap without unnecessary additional data.

The best dataset for open-source enthusiasts.

MapTiler image omt.png

National Datasets

Authoritative datasets produced by national mapping authorities.
Published on MapTiler Cloud and regularly updated.


Swiss Cadastre and Swisstopo LeichteBasiskarte.

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Swiss geospatial data

United Kingdom

UK’s Open Zoomstack and historical maps.

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spatial data for united kingdom


Buildings, hillshade, and forests from GSI: official government authority.

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Spatial data for Japan


French cadaster that can be mixed with a basemap.

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Spatial data for France

The Netherlands

Cartiqo dataset with data from CBS: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, and a topographic raster map.

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Spatial data for Nehterlands

Start using from Cloud

Pick any dataset or ready-to-use map and start crafting your map.
