Benefits of working in MapTiler

Learn more about what it means to be part of the MapTiler team and what values we live by.

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Small team creating BIG things

You can hardly find a team with more diverse personalities. Some of us are introverts who love numbers, reading, or getting lost for a week in the mountains with a camera, while others are extroverts brimming with imagination and creativity, coming up with new ideas, and doing best when on stage with as many listeners as possible.

Each of us is different, but we have one thing in common - a passion for maps and loving what we do. Together, we make beautiful maps viewed by more than 250 million people every month. Our clients are individual developers and small businesses, as well as giants like IBM, NASA, or Siemens.

"Our mission is to innovate in the field of digital maps and make maps accessible to as many people as possible for everyday use. We are always looking to push the boundaries of cartography a bit further.” Petr Pridal, CEO.

In MapTiler, we encourage our people to focus on what they do best. Thanks to our diverse personalities and strengths, our team members complement each other perfectly. We motivate and support each other on a daily basis, and make sure that every call for support is listened to.

MapTiler group foto

Being a part of cartography innovation

We pride ourselves on thinking outside the box and coming up with new creative ideas on how to disrupt the cartography business. The ultimate goal is always to improve customer experience, and it’s a great feeling to know that our maps are positively impacting the lives of millions of people every month. We were truly honored to be awarded for innovation in the cutting-edge vector tile technology by the European Space Agency and the Swiss Society of Cartography.

“For me personally, a great benefit is the feeling of contributing to something growing, dynamic, and disrupting the status quo”, says Luis Suter, Contract Team Leader at MapTiler.

MapTiler getting rewarded

Open source community

MapTiler loves using, supporting, and contributing to open-source projects. We naturally use open-source for work, just like many other companies, but also support projects of our own, such as MapLibre, OpenMapTiles, or MapTiler SDK

These are projects that we support as a team, used worldwide. These are available as open-source and have a real impact. MapTiler supports these projects with time and financial contributions, and our team members (including CEO) also give their time to support OS projects. This truly leads all of us in MapTiler to live by one of the slogans of the company “Help others - Be keen to help each other and the world.”

“Developing software under a commercial license is awesome. A good product always has a response, but contributing to open-source (repair, or financing) is a slightly different feeling. It’s contributing to something bigger exceeding us.” Tom Pohanka, Geodata Specialist.

The best are everywhere

Nowadays, it would be crazy not to hire the best people just because they live far away, especially when it’s so easy to bring everyone together online. MapTiler has HQ in Switzerland and a development center in the Czech Republic, but more than half of our team lives elsewhere, spread across the whole globe! Aside from our people in the Czech Republic and Switzerland, we have team members in Slovakia, Netherlands, France, and even in Japan and Australia. At MapTiler we are always on the lookout for the best talent, regardless of where he/she lives.

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Work hard - play harder

As much as we love working, we are well aware that quality time-off is necessary to keep the creative flow and development of innovative ideas. To make sure our remote team stays in touch, we organize regular team-building events like rock-climbing, sailing, or skiing trips, as well as coding-sprints in the Czech Republic and Swiss Alps. When we can’t meet - for example, because of a global pandemic - we organized virtual Friday hangouts or gaming evenings.

MapTiler in laser arena

Meeting up as a bunch of friends is really important! As our Contracts Team Lead, Luis Suter says, “MapTiler has a truly familiar feeling, even though everyone is far apart. The meetups make one feel like one is among friends, not some stuffy work event.”

MapTiler on ferata


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Freedom & Flexibility

Work from anywhere and on the schedule that fits your life best

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Fair salary

Our success is based on our people. We highly appreciate them and value them accordingly

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Company retreats

Do you prefer yachting in Croatia or skiing in Switzerland? With us, you can have both

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New modern offices

Choose to work in the Swiss Alps, catch up for a creative team session in Brno, Czechia, or stay in the comfort of your home

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Professional growth covered

Professional and personal growth is highly encouraged and supported

Freedom & flexibility

People working remotely are happier people and happier people are 12% more productive. WIN-WIN! At MapTiler we appreciate freedom more than anything. When we asked our people what they love most about working for MapTiler - the most common answer was fully remote job and flexibility, although this means different things to different people.

Work-life balance

For most of us, it means we get more quality time for our family, friends, and interests. We love saying that we wrap our work around our lives and not the other way around.. And this is how work-life balance looks like in the reality of people working for MapTiler:

"I love being outdoors - rock climbing, ski touring, or traveling in general. It’s easy to plan such activities together with work if you take advantage of current technologies and flexible working hours, that MapTiler offers." Martin Tesar, Developer

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The flexibility at MapTiler allows me to keep teaching University classes while carrying on my everyday work. I get to bring on the next generation of geospatial professionals while working in the industry, which benefits both roles greatly!Tom Armitage, Senior Technical Copywriter

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I love to get the work done while traveling the world. Currently working and living from the van in Australia.Vendula Zakova, HR Manager

MapTiler benefits - homeoffice

In my spare time, I represent Czechia in curling. It's a great feeling that MapTiler supports me and allows me to travel and play abroad whenever it's needed.Klara Parizkova, Account Executive

MapTiler benefits - organize your time

Organize your day

Do you need to go to see a doctor, do some errands or pick up a parcel from the post office? With our flexible work is not a problem.

I appreciate the flexibility provided by MapTiler. Weeks before each marathon race, I can easily combine intense running training in the morning, and the work at Customer Success during the day." Jiri Jelinek, Customer Success Director

So that during the day I can jump on skis and work in the evening.Dalibor Janak, Geospatial web developer

MapTiler skiing

Own your productivity

Whether you’re a morning person or night owl, we don’t care when you work as long as you deliver great results on time. We encourage our people to follow their own rhythm. Only in that way we get more done at the same time or less.

I can work during the night when I have a flow state, or on a rainy weekend when I know I want more time off later in a week. I’m free to structure my day as I like, and I think that allows me to maximize my most productive times of the day.Martin Mikita, Software engineer

MapTiler office

Skip the commute

Compared to the previous work, where I spent almost two hours daily commuting to work, remote work is a huge advantage. I can use the spare time either working or spending time with my family.Martin Elias, CXO

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