Header Rectangle

Basic map for overlays

The perfect lightweight and informative basemap for overlaying your own geodata.

Vimeo Thumbnail

Basic map context with minimum distraction

Let your spatial data shine on top of the Basic map style.

Administrative boundaries

Administrative boundaries

Named places

Named places

Roads network

Roads network

Natural features

Natural features

Building footprints

Building footprints

Add your own data on top

MapTiler Basic is designed for overlaying your geospatial data with style. Users may not get distracted by vivid colors or flashy icons and thus focus on your data rather than on the background.

Use this map as a foundation for store locators, citizen portals, mobile apps, or business intelligence dashboards.

Map of Washington D.C.

Cartographic assets

A pale color palette lets your analytics data shine out. Your data overlay will get better readability without distraction by less critical basemap features.

Basic map colour palette

Place locations are highlighted by simplistic typography. The readability of labels is improved by contrasting pastel colors in the background and dark grey labels on top.

Basic Map Labels


Use MapTiler Basic is the language of your audience. More than 70 languages are supported.

Map of Europe with MapTiler Basic style
Basic map with the Hebrew alphabet
Map of Quatar in MapTiler Basic map style
Basic map with Chinese labels

Other map styles

Start using Basic via Maps API

