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Google Maps API alternative

MapTiler Maps API

Explore our maps

Street and satellite maps of the entire world are ready for customization and integration with your business. Change colors and fonts to perfectly match your brand, or even upload your own tiles for map hosting from a reliable infrastructure.

MapTiler image search_map.webp

With our prices, your bill could be more than 4 times lower!

Map loadsMapTiler CloudGoogle Maps API
BenefitMapTiler CloudGoogle Maps API
Search / geocodingCheck.svgCheck.svg
Ads-free mapsCheck.svg
CustomizationCheck.svg fulllimited
 Self-hosted optionCheck.svg

You can even set your own price limit.

check your price

Thousands of organizations like yours have chosen MapTiler over Google Maps API

Technical details for migration

Migrate to open-source JavaScript APIs & mobile SDKs

Do you know your application code can be independent of a map provider? If you use open-source libraries to power you web or mobile app - you can freely choose a a map provider or combine multiple of them - or even host the maps on your own servers! Our service is the best choice as you migrate the code.

Vimeo Thumbnail

We provide sample code displaying maps with:

  • Javascript viewers - OpenLayers, Leaflet, MapLibre GL JS, MapTiler SDK
  • Native Mobile SDK for Android and iOS - Mapbox mobile SDK, MapLibre, CARTO Mobile SDK
  • Desktop applications (QT), GIS (QGIS, ArcGIS), and games (Unity)

Our maps are powered by vector tiles, but you also get raster tiles generated on our global infrastructure.

Compatible with common javascript libraries

Looking for an alternative to Google Maps API? Ready to switch to a cheaper map hosting?
