List of new versions and latest updates of MapTiler Engine.
Version 14.0.3
Released 2025-02-25
- Bug fixes (silent installation), visual and performance improvements.
Version 14.0.2
Released 2024-12-20
- Bug fixes and performance improvements (installation process).
Version 14.0.1
Released 2024-12-12
- Bug fixes and performance improvements (watermark).
Version 14.0.0
Released 2024-12-10
- Task Queue - Create new tasks without waiting for the current one to finish.
- Task Report - Access detailed information about tasks all in one place.
- Advanced task settings - Customize task-specific settings to override global defaults.
Version 13.4
Released 2024-08-27
- Intelligent workflows - Speed-up your work using several predefined workflows.
- Automated upload to the cloud - Automatically upload maps after the tiling is finished.
- Improved input page - Experience better management of input files.
Version 13.3
Released 2024-06-12
- Merging tilesets - Enables you to merge two or more tilesets (MBTiles) together.
- Improved performance for all input data formats - Opening input files is faster as well as the processing speed of some formats.
- Enhanced MapTiler Engine Pro Trial version - Easier access and activation of a 14-day trial license for all Engine users.
- Various minor enhancements to improve the overall user experience.
Version 13.2
Released 2024-02-27
- Command line upload to MapTiler Cloud - Upload tilesets directly to MapTiler Cloud from both the GUI and command line (CLI).
- Free Online Hosting and Styling in MapTiler Cloud - Use your MapTiler Cloud account to host your tiles and create beautifully styled maps.
- New Feedback Form - We've made it easier to get in touch with us through product feedback or technical support.
- Various minor enhancements to improve the overall user experience.
Version 13.1
Released 2023-11-28
- This release fixes a bug related to the rendering of vector tiles.
Version 13.0
Released 2023-11-22
- Faster tile rendering - The new algorithm processes your data in less time.
- New rendering types - Each plan now has a tailored rendering type.
- Filter the files you process - Easily filter files by filename or attribute such as their coordinate system.
- Improved responsiveness - Engine will never freeze when opening a large number of files.
- Effortless updates - One click to install new versions.
- Enhanced dialog text - It is now possible to copy text from all dialogs.
- Various minor enhancements to improve the overall user experience.
Version 12.2
Released 2023-08-18
- Custom preactivated binary - New option for MapTiler Engine distribution.
- Various enhancements to the user interface.
- Single-band image scale settings in the desktop app - The desktop app allows to adjust the band scale for single-band images with non-8-bit data types.
- Custom basemap improvement - Adding a new custom basemap is now more convenient.
Version 12.1
Released 2023-05-11
- Custom watermark image and text
- Support for on-premise floating licenses
- License Server for on-prem floating licenses
- Estimated remaining time and elapsed time during rendering
- Other small user experience improvements and bug fixes
Version 12.0
Released 2022-10-24
- MapTiler Desktop becomes MapTiler Engine, with flexible plans and more affordable prices
- MapTiler Engine PRO plan available directly from the web
- Add custom watermarks to your output
- Optimized PNG tiles are the new default output format
- Updated sample HTML viewers with MapTiler basemaps generated with your output
- Pick a color from the input file for transparency
- Other small user experience improvements
Version 11.3
Released 2021-12-21
- Change basemap for live input preview or final map
- Improved vector map inspect mode
- New Global settings with advanced rendering options - Resampling, Folder Tiling Scheme, Sparse output, Retina scale, Directories, …
- Improved file-based zooms settings, drag&drop, multiple file edits
- Other small user experience improvements
- Fixed AutoUpdate links for PRO binaries
Version 11.2.1
Released 2021-09-21
- Fixed activation issue with license keys on Linux
Version 11.2
Released 2021-06-17
- Estimates for output before rendering
- Generate Google Earth KML, or Garmin-like GPS maps
- Nice and same visual of finished uploaded map to Cloud (MapTiler, S3, Google, Azure, etc)
- Drag&Drop for GeoPackage or MBTiles to preview the map directly
- More customized icons for supported files by MapTiler Desktop on each OS
- Upload to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure [PLUS]
- Fixed tiling vector geometries outside bounds for Mercator coordinates
- Fixed visual georeferencer tool for GeoPDF
- Other small fixes and improvements
Version 11
Released 2021-02-22
- New User Interface for vector tiles generator
- Live preview of input raster sources
- Export in other output coordinates - Geodetic, National, Pixels-raster, Custom
- Upload to MapTiler Cloud
- Signed and notarized binary on macOS
- AppImage container for Linux (DEB / RPM)
- Better work with multiple files [Pro]
- Set manual scales for non-8bit images, render Float images [Plus/Pro]
- New GUI with updated visual design
- Improved UX for Output Settings - change output tiles format, zoom levels, file-based zooms
- Changed default tile size for Pixels profile (Raster) to 512 x 512
- Improved generated GeoPackage for vectors and rasters, supported in MapTiler Cloud
- Fixed Google Maps in Visual georeferencing tool
- Fixed generated tiles from vectors covering the whole world (Natural Earth Data)
- Fixed opening GeoPDF
Version 10.3
Released 2019-11-21
- GDAL with improved PDF library on Windows / macOS
- New custom Tiling preset - Netherlands/New RD, EPSG:28992
- Updated custom Tiling preset S-JTSK for Czechia EPSG:5514
- Changed arguments for custom Tiling presets [Pro]
- Fixed issues with licensing library
- Small improvements in the graphic interface
Version 10.1
Released 2019-05-10
- MapTiler Cloud integration - upload directly MBTiles from the application after rendering
- Updated GDAL to 2.4.1 on macOS, Windows
- Updated OpenLayers to v5.3.0 in generated HTML sample viewers
- Switch to a darker background for File preview
- Graphical interface improved for dark system themes
- Fixed generated HTML viewers for TMS tiling scheme and Raster non-georeferenced images
- Several other small improvements and bug fixes
Version 10
Released 2018-12-05
- Vector tiles rendering (in PBF format)
- Fast upload of tiles to Azure Blob storage, next to Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- New Amazon S3 regions with Version4 authorization (US East Ohio, Canada, Asia Pacific, China, EU)
- Updated PROJ.4 and GDAL library (macOS, Windows)
- New Linux distribution versions - Ubuntu 18.10, Fedora 29
- Fixed issues with license activation on Linux and newer Windows
- Dropped support of Windows XP
- Several other small improvements and bug fixes
Version 9.1
Released 2018-05-21
- MapTiler Desktop with a new logo and color scheme, see
Version 9
Released 2018-04-19
- Color corrections with automatic correction based on the reference image
- Updated HTML viewers for new OpenLayers 4 and Leaflet 1.0
- ZYX tiling scheme output in the folder (used mostly by Japanese map providers)
- RPM/DEB packages for new Linux distribution releases, for example: Debian 9 and Testing, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Fedora 28
- New custom tile grids for Advanced tiles: S-JTSK/Krovak, used in Czechia, Slovakia; Yandex maps, used in Russia; NZGD2000, used in New Zealand; OSGB 1936 (Ordnance Survey) used in the United Kingdom; CH1903 used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- Standard global tilegrid with a selected Coordinate system
- Multiple MapTiler application can be used to preview different MBTiles
- Several other small improvements and bug fixes
Version 8
Released 2017-07-05
- Export tiles in OGC GeoPackage
- Autoscale 16 or 32 bit integer input bands into 8bit
- Global projected cutline for more input files [Pro]
- Pick a color from the source file for transparency
- QuadKey tiling scheme output in the folder (known from Microsoft Bing maps)
- Online preview of bounding box for the input file
- Updated library for coordinate systems and projections (PROJ 4.9.2)
- Remember Amazon S3 / Google Cloud Storage credentials in GUI
Version 7.2
Released 2016-10-24
- New GeoEditor mobile and tablet app
- Offline tiles on mobile devices via Google Drive instead of Dropbox
- Corners location for easier indoor / floor maps
- Geodetic tiles preset under Custom tiles
- Simple resume mode (continue rendering of stopped process) [Pro]
- Baidu maps native tiles on the output supported
- Selectable bands (reorder or ignore bands) and graphically CLI
- Packages for new version of Linux distributions Fedora and Ubuntu
Version 7.1
Released 2016-09-06
- Vector tile upload from MBTiles to S3 / Google Cloud Storage directly from MapTiler or cloudpush command-line utility
- Preview MBTiles with vector or raster maps with a double-click on your desktop, even offline
- Help menu contains now online tutorials, manual and link to support channels
- Prevent deleting of unfinished tilesets (GUI dialog or -keep_unfinished argument) [Pro]
- Several other small improvements and bug fixes
Version 7
Released 2016-07-05
- Auto-save of the georeference. When a file is reopened, previous georeference is loaded
- Visual preview of overlay in the Georeferencer - before tile rendering!
- Transformations available (scaled, similarity, affine, polynomial, TPS)
- Map portal for your customers with one click, hosted on Amazon or Google cloud
- Retina/HighDPI with variable scale on all profiles including raster
- Background map added to MBTiles preview
- Icons for easy upload to mobile and cloud hosting
- Legend, including image, stored in metadata of generated MBTiles maps
- HTTPS hosting on Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- Now unavailable MapQuest maps were replaced with our own base maps