Find any place on Earth (continents, states, cities, streets down to the address level etc.) or find a place name for your coordinates.
Transform place or address to geographical coordinates (forward geocoding) and vice versa (reverse geocoding).
Add a search box to your web maps and let your users search for any place on Earth. Integrate simply by installing a single NPM package or adding just a few lines of code.
Get a human-readable place name for the given coordinates. Using this part of the MapTiler API, you can share information about locations identified via mouse clicks or GPS track devices.
With this feature, your mapping application can help your users to predict the rest of a word - or part of an address that he types into the input field.
Address and place search auto-completion can easily integrate your map using our JavaScript component.
Directly query the MapTiler Geocoding API using REST interface. Read the Reference Documentation. Use these examples:
A Headless JavaScript library utilizing the MapTiler API. Client JS simplifies access to the MapTiler geocoding API.
The Graphical JavaScript/TypeScript component for Leaflet, MapTiler SDK, and any mapping library built on Client JS.
MapTiler Geocoding is easy to use with popular map libraries like MapTiler SDK JS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, and MapLibre GL JS.
You can also integrate it with JavaScript frameworks including React and Svelte, or use in vanilla JS without any framework or map library.
Get results in a specific language or multiple preferred languages.
Get search results only from the area specified by a bounding box.
Classify search results based on the proximity from you or distance from a defined area.
Set your application to return only the relevant results with a place type filter. You can use types including County, Neighborhood, Place, or Point of Interest.
The output of the search can be limited to a specific region. Focus search on the region will give more precise results faster.
Lookup multiple addresses in a single request thanks to the power of batch geocoding. Turn text files with addresses into coordinates in bulk.
Geocoding is part of the MapTiler Cloud.